Family Members Hub

WW Family event


Family Members Hub


Welcome to the Wildlife Watch members page

Keep you and your family up to date with all things Wildlife Watch, including activities, events, awards, campaigns and so much more.

We hope by being part of Wildlife Watch you will:

Make friends with other nature detectives,

Get hands-on with wildlife - from pond dipping to wildlife safaris,

Be inspired to take action for your local wildlife,

Most of all have lots of fun!

Upcoming Events

Contact us

If you have moved address, need to change your membership or have any other membership queries, please email or call 07464 497797 during office hours (Mon-Fri 9-5)

If you have an enquiry about Wildlife Watch events, activities or awards, please email

Wildlife Watch Awards

Why not earn awards as you complete wildlife activities and challenges? You'll get to learn, create and experience new things! When you complete an award, youʼll receive a certificate!


Hedgehog Award (4-8 year olds)

The Wildlife Watch Hedgehog Award is a simple and fun way to earn an award while exploring nature in different ways.  All children aged four to twelve in Leicestershire and Rutland can take part in the Hedgehog Award Level 1.

To get started click here

* The Hedgehog Level 2 and 3 are only open to Members of Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust.

Complete 8 different ideas from the Hedgehog Award idea sheet then ask an adult to email with the activities you have completed, child's name and age.
NB Online form coming soon.

Kestrel Award (8-12 year olds)

As a member of Wildlife Watch and you are over the age of eight, you can take part in the Kestrel Award.
The Kestrel Award has four wildlife challenges:
•    Create it!
•    Do it!
•    Record it!
•    Shout about it!
Once you have completed the four challenges you will receive a certificate and badge. 
Members email with child's full name and age to request Kestrel Award pack. 

Nature Ranger

This is the highest level Wildlife Watch award. You can take part in it once you have completed the Kestrel Award.
To complete the Nature Ranger Award you need to study a UK wildlife or conservation topic of your choice and produce a report for your local Wildlife Trust to assess. 
Once completed, you will receive a certificate, a badge, a special prize, and maybe even a mention in the Wildlife Watch magazine! 

As a member of Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust and once you have completed your Kestrel Award, email with child's name and age to receive your Nature Ranger pack.